Teri Freesmeyer
Teri Freesmeyer
The Art of Transforming Energy
Teri Freesmeyer
Wild Heart Magic
Healing Stress and Trauma: Integration of Body, Mind, Spirit

“Healing Stress and Trauma: The Integration of Body, Mind, and Spirit.”

Ace and I have teamed up to bring our passion for helping people have healing tools and a sacred space of community to access them.

Through our own journeys of healing, education and service we offer this group support for those who are called to it. 

What is “Wild Heart Magic” besides the title we chose? There are many answers to this.

Currently, it is two wild-hearted people who are called to share our passions for: 

-information and experiential practices that have helped in our own experiences both personally and professionally 

-tools you can use when you need them to support your own personal work

-creating a community environment for those who may be seeking this support or information

-offering it in an affordable way


Creating safe space is the most important. If you are new to my work or Ace's work please contact for initial consultation for invitation to the group.  

Group meetings are 3rd Thursdays via Zoom. 7pm CST. We are working to add additional options for the month. 


This is not therapy; it is a peer support group offering guided activities, tools, discussions and supportive space to share and be witnessed. The topics are centered around healing stress and trauma. The tools are holistic minded and trauma-informed.


Safe and accessible healing services are something we value and understand are needed.


We do charge a small fee to help us continue to be able to offer these services; however we also recognize financial resources vary. Therefore, we offer a multi-tiered payment option so access to these healing tools and peer support can be available in a "pay what you can" range. 

  • Full price $30

  • Half price $15

  • Very low cost $5

If a $5 cost is beyond your financial capacity, you are still welcome to join us at no cost. 


Contact me, Teri @  217-899-5247 or terifreesmeyer@gmail.com OR 

Ace @ aces-recovery.com or
